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   Health Centre
The College library is located within the Campus. The library is open to students and staff members from   9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on all working days. The library has a rich collection of 7,120 volumes of text books, reference books, national and international journals in all branches of Science, Technology, Management and General Studies and the collection is ever increasing. The books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. Open access system is followed in the library.
 Reference Section

The reference section of the library has rich collection of International editions of reference books, hand books, conference proceedings, encyclopedias and various reference documents.

 Back Volumes
Back volumes of journals have been neatly bounded and arranged under subject wise for reference.
 Digital Library
The Digital Library provides online resources for students interested in Computer Assisted Learning.
 Electronic Library
The Electronic Library section now has a rich collection of more than 150 CD-ROMs.
 OnLine Public Access Catalogue

The library is equipped with computerised On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for searching availability of books and CD-ROMs. Barcode system is followed in all transactions.


Photocopying facility is available in the library. Nominal charge is collected for photocopying service.